28 jul 2010

Outreach to First-Generation U.S. Immigrants

Outreach to First-Generation U.S. Immigrants
Immigrants to the United States with greatest receptivity to the gospel are from, in order, Ecuador, Guatemala, Liberia, Honduras, El Salvador, Myanmar, Brazil, Costa Rica, Kenya and Mexico, according to a study of people from 151 different countries. The massive project, conducted mid 2009 by the North American Mission Board(NAMB)/LifeWay Research and released April 2010, also examined how many Christian workers were serving the various immigrant populations. Those with the most were immigrant groups from Mexico, South Korea, Guatemala, China, Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras andVenezuela which each had more than 100 missionaries and/or church planters serving them, with Mexico leading all groups at 1,715. "Things are changing in the U.S. and Canada," said Ed Stetzer, director of LifeWay Research. "By 2050, there will be no majority race or ethnicity in the United States. Already, in Toronto, the majority of residents were born outside of Canada. This is a wake-up call to the Church in North America. The nations of the world are living right here, yet many are not hearing the gospel in an intentional, organized way. We can do better."

MORE INFO: http://www.lifeway.com/article/170199/

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