1 ene 2011

Build a better life by determining to make good decisions

You begin to build a better life by determining to make good decisions, but that alone is not
enough.You need to know what decisions to make. I’ve given the subject a lot of thought,
talked to many successful people, and narrowed down the list of critical areas for success to
twelve. I call them the Daily Dozen:

The Daily Dozen
 Attitude —choose and display the right attitudes daily.
 Priorities —determine and act upon important priorities daily.
 Health —know and follow healthy guidelines daily.
 Family —communicate with and care for my family daily.
 Thinking —practice and develop good thinking daily.
 Commitment —make and keep proper commitments daily.
 Finances —make and properly manage dollars daily.
 Faith —deepen and live out my faith.
 Relationships —initiate and invest in solid relationships daily.
 Generosity —plan for and model generosity daily.
 Values —embrace and practice good values daily.
 Growth —desire and experience improvements daily.

If you settle these twelve issues by making the right decision in each of these areas and then
managing those decisions daily, you can be successful.

If you want to read more, you can buy Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrows Success by Maxwell, John C.

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